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Tag: string.format

Str.format with a list to create filter

Somewhat simple question with many similar ones out there, but I cannot seem to find what I am looking for. I am trying to filter a list of images in a dbc.Carousel via an int list of location numbers. Any image title that starts with a given number will correlate to a location. So, initially, I would want all images

How to iterate dict in string.format

I read a lot of tutorials, but can not find how to iterate dict in string.format like this: which I want a result like this: so I can print variable length dict. Then I got error. Answer Currently your output is: That’s because k for k,v in dict is a generator expression. Don’t confuse it with set comprehension, those curly

Search for a specific element in multiple pages and click using Python Selenium

Hi im trying to navigate from page 1 to page 5 (the element can be in any of the pages)and find and click on a specific element using python selenium. The following is the element from the page: <span _ngcontent-mtx-c123″” class”ng-star-inserted”>ABC Company</span> i tried by using : driver.find_element_by_name(“ABC Company”).click() but this doesnt work. Another Way i tried: I need the
