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Tag: static

How can I implement a static attribute in Python?

How can I implement a static property or method-pair in Python using a sharable and accessible static attribute? Output: Edit: The above source code has a typo in set(). If that typo is fixed, the code runs perfectly. However, in the case of my original source code, that attribute was a List[str]. In that case, the program only runs only

Django – referencing static files in templates

I’m having difficulty referencing static files in my templates. I am using Twitter Bootstrap and have the bootstrap files (css, img, js) sitting at mysite/static. I have set the STATIC_URL, STATIC_ROOT and TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS according to this tutorial. I have run ./ collectstatic which copied 72 files over. I have also added the below template tag to my template (index.html) file

Global static variables in Python

I need to use list data in other functions, but I don’t want to enter raw_input everytime. How I can make data like a global static in c++ and put it everywhere where it needed? Answer Add the global keyword to your function: The global data statement is a declaration that makes data a global variable. After calling Input() you
