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Tag: sql

Convert nested list to JSON using Python

I’m using the following SQL query to get data for every month in a given year: When I’m returning this via Python, I’m getting the following result: Also, there are n everywhere in the result. I need the result in JSON format, but I can’t get it right. How can I do it? Answer If l is the list you

How can I access a SQL file while using python?

Right now I’m using Microsoft SQL Community to start a database, but for some reason I can’t command the server to do something that I want, is there any to use the library sqlite3 or pyodc to print a value that I want on the console? PYTHON: SQL: Answer sqlite3 talks to SQLite databases. If you want to talk to

dedup records(window function pandas)

Hi I am looking to dedup my records ordered by cancel date so I will only be interested in the most recent record. sample data id cancel_date type_of_fruit 1 2021-03-02 apple 1 2021-01-01 apple 2 2021-02-01 orange expected output id cancel_date type_of_fruit 1 2021-03-02 apple 2 2021-02-01 orange I wrote the SQL way but I have to implement this logic

How to validate request body in FastAPI?

I understand that if the incoming request body misses certain required keys, FastAPI will automatically raise 422 unserviceable entity error. However, is there a way to check the incoming request body by myself in the code and raise a 400 bad request if if misses required names? For example, say I have this model and schema: The POST endpoint to

Trouble With SQL Query in Python

Hello I’m getting an error: near “join”: syntax error. Is there an obvious issue with this that I’m not picking up on? I’ve changed names in the query but I’ve gone over and checked for spelling errors already. Answer In SQL, the order of clauses is SELECT, FROM, JOIN, WHERE. You have JOIN in the wrong place.

Runtime Error: Incomplete output while executing buy function for cs50 finance

While all the checks work, (empty symbol, invalid number of shares…), the function fails to actually purchase the stocks. It returns an internal server error. Following is the log output: File “/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cs50/”, line 71, in _execute raise RuntimeError(exc.orig) from None RuntimeError: incomplete input Following is my buy function: Following is my HTML code: Following is my SQL table: field type
