I have a dataframe with datetime timestamps (every 1 minute). I’d like to increase the time interval between rows to 5 minutes. Basically keep rows 0, 5, 10 etc and remove the rest. How would I do that? Thanks Answer Firstly convert your date column to datetime dtype by using to_datetime() method(If its already of datetime then ignore this step):
Tag: sorting
GTK – Python Treeview Sort Column Data (File Size – Byte Data)
I have a GTK GUI with Python code. There is a treeview on the GUI. I need to list file sizes on the treeview and sort them by file size by clicking on the column. But it sorts files by using their sizes as string. What is the common way for sorting this files? Using string file size values (with
Reversing two elements in list, based on condition
I’m trying to implement a Bubble Sort algorithm. As it says here, the “Bubble Sort is the simplest sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly swapping the adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order.” Visual Representation ( 5 1 4 2 8 ) –> ( 1 5 4 2 8 ) So far, I have been able to identify
I need to sort two lists of tuples in different orders depending on whether elements in the tuples are equal or not
I have two possible lists, one is the name and the second is the age. my function needs to return copies of these lists such that they are both sorted in order of age (descending order) (ie the names of employees in the lst1 are also required to be ordered according to their ages in lst2). If two or more
Sort by specific date? numbers? included list in list
I am doing some works for studying, and stuck in some problems! I have this schedule lists And, I would like to sort this list by start date which is lists[1] What I tried to do is below Note, I don’t want to use any module such as date, time But, it switch the location of each items. Is there
How to sort a dataframe with strings
I got an code running that imports an excel file, and i want to be able to sort some of the data in it and write it to a new excel file. I got the code working somewhat as I want, but can’t make it sort the values as wanted… I want to sort the df from the column named
Why is this sort string by chars frequency code not working?
So the question is: Given a string, sort it in decreasing order based on the frequency of characters. Ex: “tree” returns: “eert” or “eetr” both are valid answers So my thought process is to create a counter to hold freq numbers, then sort by freq, in reverse order. However, it’s not passing all testcases. For example, it works on “tree”
Is there a way to fix value-error problem
Hello guys i am trying to implement an algortihm to remove water from underwater images and make image more noticable , but i got an errror ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence , at the function homomorpic on this line r = max(np.ravel(result[:,:i])) , the error is caused because the result array is empty but i filled it above
How to sort pandas dataframe in ascending order using Python
I have a dataframe like this : Columns’ types with print(df.dtypes) : Expected Output : I have a dataframe like df. When I do : But nothing happen even by adding ascending = True or False. Could you give the way pls to order this dataframe as above ? If possible can you give the 2 possibilites like ordering by
Sorting a table in python with alphabet and numbers
I have the following table: Column1 Column2 99 QA 65 CD 134 LL N12 OO 127 KK Q23 MM 1 AA A10 KL K9 MA I would like to sort the table such that the numbers are sorted in descending order first then the alphabets in descending order. How do I do that? The output should look something like the