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Tag: sorting

Deleting rows based on time interval in pandas

I have a dataframe with datetime timestamps (every 1 minute). I’d like to increase the time interval between rows to 5 minutes. Basically keep rows 0, 5, 10 etc and remove the rest. How would I do that? Thanks Answer Firstly convert your date column to datetime dtype by using to_datetime() method(If its already of datetime then ignore this step):

How to sort a dataframe with strings

I got an code running that imports an excel file, and i want to be able to sort some of the data in it and write it to a new excel file. I got the code working somewhat as I want, but can’t make it sort the values as wanted… I want to sort the df from the column named

Why is this sort string by chars frequency code not working?

So the question is: Given a string, sort it in decreasing order based on the frequency of characters. Ex: “tree” returns: “eert” or “eetr” both are valid answers So my thought process is to create a counter to hold freq numbers, then sort by freq, in reverse order. However, it’s not passing all testcases. For example, it works on “tree”

Is there a way to fix value-error problem

Hello guys i am trying to implement an algortihm to remove water from underwater images and make image more noticable , but i got an errror ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence , at the function homomorpic on this line r = max(np.ravel(result[:,:i])) , the error is caused because the result array is empty but i filled it above
