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Tag: sequence

convert month of dates into sequence

i want to combine months from years into sequence, for example, i have dataframe like this: i want to sequence the months of the date. the desired output is: which means feb’15 is the first month in the date list and jan’2016 is the 12th month after feb’2015 Answer If your date column is a datetime (if it’s not, cast

Sum of lowest numbers that are part of an arithmetic sequence

I would like to iterate through a list of integers, calculate the sum of the lowest numbers that belongs to an arithmetic sequence with common difference 1 + the numbers that are not part of a sequence: So, from mylist it would be 2 (from 2,3,4) + 10 (not part of a sequence) + 12 (from 12,13) I’ve managed to

Merging csv files in order of date created Python Pandas

I am merging 3700 csv files with a total of 10 million rows. The files do not have a sequential naming but the date in which they were created(Descending) is sequential. I use the following code to merge them but do not know how to add pick them in that sequence. The following are names of files arranged in date
