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Tag: selenium

Scrape eBay Sold Items Using Selenium Returns []

I have almost no webscraping experience, and wasn’t able to solve this using BeautifulSoup, so I’m trying selenium (installed it today). I’m trying to scrape sold items on eBay. I’m trying to scrape: Here is my code where I load in html code and convert to selenium html: Which correctly opens a new chrome session at the correct url.

Extracting the required information for a Script tag of scraped webpage using BeautifulSoup

I’m a webscraping novice and I am looking for pointers of what to do next, or potentially a working solution, to scrape the following webpage: I would like to extract the following for each row (player) of the table: Player Name i.e. Jamie Vardy Weekly Gross Base Salary (in GBP) i.e. £140,000 Annual Gross Base Salary (in GBP) i.e.

Can find Class Name using Selenium Python

Below is a snippet of the HTML using page_source method in selenium. Why can’t I find className cell-content cell-colshopCapacity ? ‘<div unselectable=”on” class=”x-grid-cell-inner” style=”text-align:left;”>Daily</div></td><td class=”x-grid-cell x-grid-td x-grid-cell-templatecolumn-1065 x-grid-cell-last x-unselectable “><div unselectable=”on” class=”x-grid-cell-inner” style=”text-align:left;”><span class=”cell-content cell-colshopCapacity”>101</span></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><div class=”x-container save x-container-default x-box-layout-ct” style=”padding: 5px 15px 18px 9px; width: 907px;” Using the below returns an empty list [] If I use driver.page_source in vs

Unable to locate element Selenium:

Link to website: I’m able to check the terms of service box but then when I try to click the checkout button I am given an error of “no such element: Unable to locate element: {“method”:”css selector”,”selector”:”.btn btn–small-wide”}” I’ve tried time.sleep and driver.implicitly_wait but neither seem to work. Any ideas? Answer You can use the below css : in

How do I capture hidden data from a table with Selenium and Python?

my problem is the following: The web page indicated in the script has a button (“Ver todo 50”) that displays the rest of the records of a table. I effectively click on the button with Selenium, but I can’t get the 50 records of the table but only the first 15 that the page initially displays. Does anyone have an
