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Tag: selenium-webdriver

Unable to locate element Selenium:

Link to website: I’m able to check the terms of service box but then when I try to click the checkout button I am given an error of “no such element: Unable to locate element: {“method”:”css selector”,”selector”:”.btn btn–small-wide”}” I’ve tried time.sleep and driver.implicitly_wait but neither seem to work. Any ideas? Answer You can use the below css : in

monitor chrome tabs – python selenium

I’m writing a script where I need you to monitor the number of open tabs. The script reads a table and each information in the table opens a new tab in the browser. It turns out that in order not to have thousands of tabs open, I need the script to monitor the tabs to have only 3 open, when

Python Selenium Detach Option Not Working

I want to write a Python script using Selenium and Chrome where Selenium won’t close the Chrome browser when the script finishes. From doing a bunch of googling, it looks like the standard solution is to use the detach option. But when I run the following script: It opens up Chrome, goes to Google’s homepage, and then closes the browser.
