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Tag: screen-scraping

Performing web scraping using selenium on I am getting just one scraped review even though it was in loop and the xpath was correct

OUTPUT IS JUST ONE NAME AND NOT ALL I need to scrape all the reviews from Even I am running a loop I am getting only one username. Please help me out Answer You getting only 1 review because XPath locator you are using //*[@id=”app-base”]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3] returns only 1 element, so your for loop is performed only once. You can

How to extract a table from website without specifying the web browser in python

I’m trying to automate data extraction from ASX ( website into my database by writing a web scraping python script and deploying it in Azure Databrick. Currently, the script I have is working in Visual Studio Code, but when I try to run it in databrick, it crashes, throwing the error below. I believe I will need to simplify my

Scroll down google reviews with selenium

I’m trying to scrape the reviews from this link:,1 For what I’m using the following code to load the page The page load fine, it is not scrolling down, I have used the same code for other sites like linkedn and it works there. Answer Here is the logic that you can use without using the javascript scroll down.

unable to call firefox from selenium in python on AWS machine

I am trying to use selenium from python to scrape some dynamics pages with javascript. However, I cannot call firefox after I followed the instruction of selenium on the pypi page( I installed firefox on AWS ubuntu 12.04. The error message I got is: I did search on the web and found that this problem happened with other people (!topic/selenium-users/21sJrOJULZY).
