OUTPUT IS JUST ONE NAME AND NOT ALL I need to scrape all the reviews from https://www.influenster.com/reviews/loreal-paris-elvive-extraordinary-oil-deep-nourishing-shampoo-and-conditioner-set-126-fl-oz. Even I am running a loop I am getting only one username. Please help me out Answer You getting only 1 review because XPath locator you are using //*[@id=”app-base”]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]/div[3] returns only 1 element, so your for loop is performed only once. You can
Tag: screen-scraping
Web scraping content of ::before using BeautifulSoup?
I am quite new to python and tried scraping some websites. A few of em worked well but i now stumbled upon one that is giving me a hard time. the url im using is: https://www.drankdozijn.nl/groep/rum. Im trying to get all product titles and urls from this page. But since there is a ::before in the HTML code i am
How to extract a table from website without specifying the web browser in python
I’m trying to automate data extraction from ASX (https://www.asxenergy.com.au/futures_nz) website into my database by writing a web scraping python script and deploying it in Azure Databrick. Currently, the script I have is working in Visual Studio Code, but when I try to run it in databrick, it crashes, throwing the error below. I believe I will need to simplify my
How to POST JSON with data payload and header with Python Requests?
I am trying to do some scraping from websites using GET and POST methods, but now I am facing a new challenge. I am trying to get data from a credit simulator, I found this portuguese site (https://www.bancomontepio.pt/particulares/credito/pessoal/credito-pessoal-online). As far as I know, I need to use POST method, but I have to specify the data (the Amount value, the
How to change names of scraped images with Python?
So I need to download the images of every coin on the list on CoinGecko, so I wrote the following code: However, I need to save the images with their names being the same as the ticker of the coin of that list from CoinGecko (rename bitcoin.png?1547033579 to BTC.png, ethereum.png?1595348880 to ETH.png, and so forth). There are over 7000 images
Getting the likes and comments of a photo from Facebook using Selenium
I’m looking forward to getting what the title describes. I’ve already found the way to log in and get the photos of any profile that I search for. But when it comes to the comments or likes of any photo that I select, I cannot get them. By this, I mean that Chromedriver clicks on the photo for displaying it,
Scraping #document from an iframe tag using beautifulsoup
I am trying to scrape a website for COVID related data. The data is enclosed in an iframe tag. I tried to scrape the results using beautifulsoup but couldn’t extract #document. Here’s my approach My results: Inspect Data from website: Can somebody explain that why the #document part is missing from my results? Answer However, The Guardian offers an entire
Scroll down google reviews with selenium
I’m trying to scrape the reviews from this link: https://www.google.com/search?q=google+reviews+2nd+chance+treatment+40th+street&rlz=1C1JZAP_enUS697US697&oq=google+reviews+2nd+chance+treatment+40th+street&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64.6183j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x872b7179b68e33d5:0x24b5517d86a95f89,1 For what I’m using the following code to load the page The page load fine, it is not scrolling down, I have used the same code for other sites like linkedn and it works there. Answer Here is the logic that you can use without using the javascript scroll down.
unable to call firefox from selenium in python on AWS machine
I am trying to use selenium from python to scrape some dynamics pages with javascript. However, I cannot call firefox after I followed the instruction of selenium on the pypi page(http://pypi.python.org/pypi/selenium). I installed firefox on AWS ubuntu 12.04. The error message I got is: I did search on the web and found that this problem happened with other people (https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/selenium-users/21sJrOJULZY).