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Tag: ros

How to pass arguments to ros launch file from bash script and how to create ros launch file running python script with those parser arguments

I have a python script which runs as follows: I have launch file are follows: Bash script as: I want to pass this foldername in bash to roslaunch file (cam_calibrator.launch) as above, then get that folder-name as argument and send that to my python script “” just like –size, –square and image:=/topic_name arguments as well to the image_pub_sub c++ script.

Get ros message type at runtime

I’m hoping to have a config file loaded in via rosparam that includes the type for a generic callback to subscribe to. Right now this is what I have but can’t figure out how to make it work with the subscriber. Answer In Python you can use globals to lookup and return the message type from a string

Logging with Python, ROS, and C++

I have a codebase of Python and C++ code, including heavy use of ROS. Logging is done throughout the Python code with both system logger and rospy logging — contrived example: As for C++ code we need to add logging, probably with glog but I’m open to other options. Is there a way to integrate the various loggers into one

How do we dynamically change the text in label widget of Tkinter according to the change of subscribed topic message?

I wanted to change the text of my label according to the topic message to which my node subscribes. But the problem is that the text in the label is not changing with the change of topic message. A portion of my code is given below:(I used the code to dynamically change the text in the label from Answer
