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Tag: recursion

How to make recursive function hold it’s original parameter value?

I’m trying to write a function that calculates the determinant of a square matrix using recursion. The parameter of the oldest function – the first one called – changes to the matrix returned by scale_down() and I don’t know why. I tried substituting “matrix” with “var” in order not to use it directly, but it amounted to nothing. The code

Python: how parse this dict recursively?

I’ve a flat dict with entities. Each entity can have a parent. I’d like to recursively build each entity, considering the parent values. Logic: Each entity inherits defaults from its parent (e.g. is_mammal) Each entity can overwrite the defaults of its parent (e.g. age) Each entity can add new attributes (e.g. hobby) I’m struggling to get it done. Help is

Subset algorithm behaves differently in Python than C++

The algorithm follows recursive approach, dividing the array in two parts: In first recursion the first part is neglected In second part the first part is added Code for C++ (Works Fine) Code for Python Answer In the C++ version, res is a by-value parameter, so a copy of the vector is made in each call. Python passes references to

Python – Generate permutations by key from key value pair list

Problem: I am generating a search query from key=value pairs. The system being queried does not support searching by the same field twice. I need to generate all unique permutations (assuming that is the correct word) of the pairs so I can generate multiple queries. Example query: python –search field_1=”books” and (field_2=”paper” or (field_2=”abcd” and field_4=”test”)) and field_20=80 and

Python additional print() impacts printed counter value

The below provided code shows for me unexpected and strange behavior. With not out-commented print statement the final value of the counter variable differs from the value with out-commented print statement. How can an inserted print() impact the final value of the counter ‘cnt’? Here the output with the print statement printing: And here the output with the out-commented print:
