I’m running a flask server on my Raspberry Pi just a simple one to test the POST or GET request but Postman “Could not send request”. But when I try to access the link via the browser, it displays the request. I’m accessing Raspberry Pi via SSH and using VNC Viewer.) I’m confused. Any help would be much appreciated. NOTE:
Tag: raspberry-pi3
unable to set line to input
I am trying to read humidity and temperature values from the AM2301(DHT21). for that I am using the adafruit_dht library which is written for DHT11 & DHT22. because I can’t find any adafruit library for AM2301 so I use this. when I first run the code using some gpio say D17. it works fine and gives the temperature and humidity
Trying to Count Faces Using OpenCV, Haar Cascades and Raspberry PI
So I have a project for a trail camera to count people entering the trail by detecting their faces. There isn’t any power available so I am stuck using a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ for power reasons. I am currently using opencv and Haar cascades to detect faces. My problem is two-fold. The first one is that my counter behaves
how to update python in raspberry pi
I need python newest version in raspberry pi. I tried apt install python3 3.8 apt install python3 but this didnot work. And I also needed to update my raspberry pi python IDLE Answer First update the Raspbian. Then install the prerequisites that will make any further installation of Python and/or packages much smoother. And then install Python, maybe by downloading
ImportError: libcblas.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I am trying to run an Arducam MT9J001 camera on a raspberry pi 3b+. I am getting the following error when I try to run the program, “ImportError: libcblas.so3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.” I have the computer vision software downloaded onto the raspberry pi, though it seems that it is still not working. I’m
Attribute Error : none type object has no attribute ‘ shape ‘
I keep encountering an attribute error trying to read some frames from a piCamera on a raspberry pi Here is the error: Answer It seems that frame was returned as None in this line as if you camera couldn’t read an image: Then, when resizing a None object, the program blows up as we described in the error message AttributeError: