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Tag: adafruit-circuitpython

unable to set line to input

I am trying to read humidity and temperature values from the AM2301(DHT21). for that I am using the adafruit_dht library which is written for DHT11 & DHT22. because I can’t find any adafruit library for AM2301 so I use this. when I first run the code using some gpio say D17. it works fine and gives the temperature and humidity

Python put requests on a CIRCUITPY

I have a CIRCUITPY macro board (keybow 2040) that I want to make automatically download a file, but I don’t have enough storage space on the board to put all the required libraries for the python requests module. The board’s available storage space is 866 KB, which is not nearly enough storage space for all the required modules to use

How to do non blocking usb serial input in circuit python?

I am trying to interface a micropython board with python on my computer using serial read and write, however I can’t find a way to read usb serial data in micropython that is non-blocking. Basicly I want to call the input function without requiring an input to move on. (something like but for usb) I have tried using tasko,
