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Tag: random

pandas: apply random.shuffle() to list column

I have a dataframe as follows, I would like to shuffle the words in each row using random.shuffle(),(e.g the new first row will be ‘nice is weather the’ ),so I have done the following, and tried to map or apply shuffle() function but it returns None. or I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. and then finally

Why is my Tkinter button not executing my function?

I want the function to display heads or tails(randomly). Instead, the function displays nothing and ignores the function. I have also tried printing the value instead of displaying it on tkinter, but it only shows heads and not tails. If any additional details are needed to solve my issue please comment and I will provide additional details. Answer In the

Random list item, but unable to choose the same item twice

Is it possible to run a loop, that chooses a random list item, but is unable to choose the same one twice in a row. I’ve tried running it in a thread and with Clock.schedule_interval Im not sure how to keep the loop and GUI running simultaneously. When the interval goes off, it “resets” the loop. therefore being able to

Shuffle rows of a large csv

I want to shuffle this dataset to have a random set. It has 1.6 million rows but the first are 0 and the last 4, so I need pick samples randomly to have more than one class. The actual code prints only class 0 (meaning in just 1 class). I took advice from this platform but doesn’t work. Answer Because

Python: Generate random letter then Keystroke said letter

(I am using Python under Mac OS) Hey Guys, i am looking for a way to random generate a letter (a-z) and then keystroke it. The way I usually do keystrokes is: cmd = “”” osascript -e ‘tell application ‘System Events’ to keystroke “insert_letter_here”‘ “”” os.system(cmd) This won’t accept random.letter since it would keystroke the exact spelling of random.letter. Does
