I have a large script that saves data to a postgres database. Tell me how can I get rid of [‘ and ‘]. I need the data in the storage to be saved without these characters This is how the data looks in the database Tell me how to get rid of these characters, perhaps the problem occurs after parsing
Tag: python
Join two columns of sequentially values
I have dataframe, where ‘A’ 1 – client, B – admin I need to merge messages in row with 1 sequentially and merge lines 2 – admin response sequentially across the dataframe. I do not know how to do this Answer Create groups by consecutive values in B – trick compare shifted values with cumulative sum and aggregate first and
Django View, foreign key field is killing performance
MyObjects definition: View definition: I do some calculations in my view that are irrelevant and my view takes around 3 seconds for 5000 objects if my_dict[str(my_obj.foreign_key_field)] += 1 is commented out. However, when that line uncommented, my view takes 20seconds. It must be because this field is a foreign key field as none of my other fields are foreign keys.
Sqlalchemy in-memory database for MSSQL
I’m trying to setup tests for my project and want to use an in memory database for those tests. Based on some examples I found online I’ve been able to get an in memory sqlite database working… The problem I have is my models are all based around MSSQL (that’s what the ‘real’ code is using) so I get E
Calculate the total days between a range of dates using Python
I have a list of date ranges and want to find the total number of days between those ranges. However, the ranges may, or may not, have overlap. And I want to exclude overlapped time. There may also be gaps between the ranges which I also want to exclude. I’m curious on the most optimal way to calculate this. An
How would i fix this error in creating a genesis block
with code looking like this ive tried adding other arguments but as i am new to this, i havent been able to figure it out myself properly Answer def create_genesis_block(self): doesn’t take a parameter, maybe you meant: or
keep the same name until value = true in another pandas column
I have a dataframe with 3 columns: session_id, name, reset_flag. I need to make a new column, new_name, where the new name will be set to the first name where reset_flag=True, and then it will continue as that name WITHIN that session, until there is new reset_flag. Not really sure best way to approach. EDIT: I thought of a way
Compare two lists and write for each item corresponding X column value
Let’s say I have a list of users then I have a table What I want is: to have a list of Date for each Resource A, B, C So desired output could be a dictionary: Answer You can use explode then use groupby and agg(list) at the end get the result as dict with to_dict. Output:
Pandas multindex on column after merge
I created this dataframe: but I need to change order in column multiindex. I need to have something like this Could you help me :) ? Answer You can use swaplevel on the resulting dataframe: Output:
WebScraping: Pandas to_excel Not Displaying full DataFrame
I am brand new to coding, and was given a web scraping tutorial (found here) to help build my skills as I learn. I’ve already had to make several adjustments to the code in this tutorial, but I digress. I’m scraping off of http://books.toscrape.com/ and, when I try to export a Dataframe of just the book categories into Excel, I