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Tag: pycrypto

can’t install pycrypto, python 3.10, how to fix?

Cannot install pycrypto. Windows 10, build tools have. P.S(pycryptodome is not installing, required version of python < 3.5) Error Answer I’d wager something is missing, or that version of Pycrypto just doesn’t work on your Python 3.10 on 64-bit Windows. (Pycrypto hasn’t been updated since 2013. You probably don’t want to use it.) Could you get whatever you want done

Why PyCryptoDome’s 3DES algorithm uses 128-bits or 192-bits key instead of 56-bits?

According to Wikipedia, 3DES’s cipher uses a 56-bits encryption key to encrypt data; but Pycryptodome’s 3DES class uses either 128-bits or 192-bits encryption key. Also both Pycryptodome’s AES’s and 3DES’s encryption speed are same, output is similar. Am I doing something wrong or is this 3DES a bit different? Here’s my code to encrypt data with 3DES algorithm in Python:

How can I create an encrypted django field that converts data when it’s retrieved from the database?

I have a custom EncryptedCharField, which I want to basically appear as a CharField when interfacing UI, but before storing/retrieving in the DB it encrypts/decrypts it. The custom fields documentation says to: add __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase override to_python to convert the data from it’s raw storage into the desired format override get_prep_value to convert the value before storing ot the
