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Tag: python

How to create sparkmagic session automatically (without having to manually interact with widget user-interface)?

I am using sparkmagic to connect Jupyter notebooks to a remote spark cluster via Livy. The way it is now, I need to execute a notebook cell to bring up the %manage_spark user-interface widget, and manually select the language and click “create-session” in order to establish the spark context for the notebook. Is there a way to automatically generate the

pylint: Exclude directory

Suppose I have the following directory structure: I want to run pylint on everything, except the directory bdir/adir. Is there any way to do this? Things that do not work: –ignore=bdir/adir –ignore_patterns=.*bdir/adir.* Any of the answers in this similar post –ignore=adir (this will ignore both of the adir’s – not what I want). It seems that pylint’s ignore-filters only work

pytest skip everything if one test fails

What is best way to skip every remaining test if a specific test fails, here failed, and then there is no point in running further: I like to skip all remaining tests and write test report. Should I write to a status file and write a function that checks it? @pytest.mark.skipif(setup_failed(), reason=”requirements failed”) pytest-skipif-reference Answer You should really look

Pygame collision with masks

I have made a putt-putt game and now I want to add a slanted wall type. Because of this, I need to use masks for the collision (until now I have just used rects). I have spent hours learning about masks and trying to figure out why my code won’t work. There are no errors, the collision just isn’t detected.

CUDA(GPU) as OpenCV backend

Am trying to use CUDA as backend for dnn module provided in opencv-4.1.1 , I have build opencv with CUDA enabled, nvidia drivers and CUDA is properly placed on system, here am using manjaro as development platform. am trying to load pre-trained YOLOv3 weights using cv2.dnn module, But it uses CPU as defualt inference engine, but am trying to use

How to merge multiple json files into one file in python

I want to merge multiple json files into one file in python. The thing that I want to do is if there are several .json files like: The result.json files I want to get should look like: The result.json files I got is: I used the code to merge .json files from here and changed it very slightly like below:
