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Tag: mask

mask and apply numpy where function to a vector in c++

I’m using C++ and want to combine the masking of a vector and the search for the indexes where a condition is verified, similarly to the numpy where function. Here’s an example: After using masked should look like this: masked = {62, 62, 70, 65} Afterwards, I want to find the indexes where id vector elements are greater than masked

Training MaskRCNN on custom data issue

I am trying to train Mask RCNN on a custom dataset of floorplans. I am following this article on Medium to do this: . After having some issues with annotation formats and packages I got around to training the model. However, I stumbled upon the following error code: I could not find anything about this error and was hoping

Pygame collision with masks

I have made a putt-putt game and now I want to add a slanted wall type. Because of this, I need to use masks for the collision (until now I have just used rects). I have spent hours learning about masks and trying to figure out why my code won’t work. There are no errors, the collision just isn’t detected.
