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Tag: python

How to create a matrix of lists?

I need to create a matrix MxN where every element of the matrix is a list of integers. I need a list so that I can append new elements as I go, therefore a 3D matrix would not work here. I’m not sure if what I need here would actually be a list of lists. Answer The following function creates

unicode_escape without deprecation warning

In Python 3.8, the following: …produces a deprecation warning: Is this going to become an error in a future version of Python? Where is the reference for this? If No, is there a way to not display this warning, if Yes, what can I use instead? Edit: I am (obviously) not interested in fixing this for a string I would

Applying lambda to whole dataframe with if condition

I have a df that looks like this: I want to calculate the mean of the columns where A>0 so that my df would look like this: I use: But get: TypeError: ‘float’ object is not subscriptable I also tried But get: KeyError: False Which is produced by the x[‘A’]>0 mask. And: I couldn’t find a solution how can I

upload file with slackclient 2.x

I’m upgrading from slackclient 1.3.1 to 2.9.3 using this guide. before I had this function: which I tried to migrate to: the function is called with something like this: However, I get: Object of type ‘BufferedReader’ is not JSON serializable I am guessing it is related to the way I pass the file parameter. How should I be doing it?

Difference of letting DataFrame’s column

I don’t know the difference of two ways that I let columns of DataFrame. the codes are here: when I printed A[‘ftr3’] to see elements of ftr3 of A, there was no problem. But when I printed B[‘ftr3’], the problem occured: Moreover, the reason I’m confused with this result was that print(A) and print(B) prints exactly same results. the results
