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Tag: python

Generating an interval set in hypothesis

I have some code that works with intervals, which are really just python dicts with the following structure: Writing a strategy for a single interval is relatively straightforward. I’d like to write a strategy to generate interval sets. An interval set is a list of intervals, such that: The list contains an arbitrary number of intervals. The interval names are

Reducing number of repeated queries in Django when creating new objects in a loop

I’m populating a database using Django from an Excel sheet. In the example below, the purchases list simulates the format of that sheet. My problem is that I’m repeatedly using Customer.objects.get to retrieve the same Customer object when creating new Purchase entries. This results in repeated database queries for the same information. I’ve tried using customers = Customer.objects.all() to read

Get the most consecutive day from Date column with PySpark

Original dataframe: member_id AccessDate 111111 2020-02-03 111111 2022-03-05 222222 2015-03-04 333333 2021-11-23 333333 2021-11-24 333333 2021-11-25 333333 2022-10-11 333333 2022-10-12 333333 2022-10-13 333333 2022-07-07 444444 2019-01-21 444444 2019-04-21 444444 2019-04-22 444444 2019-04-23 444444 2019-04-24 444444 2019-05-05 444444 2019-05-06 444444 2019-05-07 Result dataframe: member_id Most_Consecutive_AccessDate total 111111 2022-03-05 1 222222 2015-03-04 1 333333 2022-10-11, 2022-10-12, 2022-10-13 3 444444 2019-04-21, 2019-04-22, 2019-04-23,

Matrix row masking at different indices

I have an 2-D array that I want to find the max value per row and then find the next max-value that is not within +/- n of the previous value. For example I have the following matrix: Now I’d like to get the next max value not within say +/- 2 of the current max. Here is what I

While loop not taking ‘if’ statement into account

I’m trying to write a program in Python where the user is asked to input a number of hours after which a countdown starts in seconds, however I want to also make sure that no floats/strings are inputted and if they are, the user needs to be prompted with the same question and input a correct value. If an integer
