Here’s a snippet of my parser code. It does 120 requests asynchronously. However, every response returns 429 “too many requests” error. How do I make it “slower”, so the api won’t reject me? Error: Answer Try to use asyncio.Semaphore:
Tag: python-requests
Python – Converting urllib to requests
I’m writing code to access the MS365 API and the Python code example uses urllib. I want to instead use requests but I’m not sure how urllib translates into requests as my attempts of doing so have failed. The code example can be found here: Answer Modifying @BeRT2me’s answer has made this work.
InvalidSchema: No connection adapters were found. When working with Python Web scraper
I am rather new to Web Scraping I have scrapped one of the zip files seen here. The goal is to append them into a final data frame called final_df. Below is a snip of my code that runs well. This works well for one year of zip files such as 2017 however I am curious if we could get
Parsing a pre tag in html, how to append the indented text to the previous line in Python
Example URL Currently I’m splitting each individual clump of metadata by every blank line, then converting to a dictionary splitting on the first colon using the string before as the key and the string after as the value. THE ISSUE I’m running is that I am going line by line through each package metadata, some lines do not have
Python request.get error on Wikipedia image URL
Requests.get() does not seem to be returning the expected bytes for Wikipedia image URLs, such as Answer Most websites block requests that come in without a valid browser as a User-Agent. Wikimedia is one such. which will give you expected output
python beautifulsoup duplicating results
I’m trying to learn beatifulsoup (and python as a whole, pretty much still a beginner) and playing around with how to use it properly. I notice that when I scrape the website I’m testing for data from the search results, it lists it 3 times. Specifically, I’m trying to output the title, link, and price of the real estate property
Send in-memory bytes (file) over multipart/form-data POST request. Python
;TLDR I want to send a file with requests.send() using multipart/form-data request without storing the file on a hard drive. Basically, I’m looking for an alternative for open() function for bytes object Hello, I’m currently trying to send multipart/form-data request and pass in-memory files in it, but I can’t figure out how to do that. My app receives images from
extracting index[0] of Income Statement imported from Alphavantage API
I am currently trying to do some calculations with the income statement of GOOGL imported from AlphaVantage’s API. Here below is my code: After importing this income statement, I am able to print out the data which comes out as a list. I want to extract of this list(most recent annual report) although when I do this I get a
Web scraping content of ::before using BeautifulSoup?
I am quite new to python and tried scraping some websites. A few of em worked well but i now stumbled upon one that is giving me a hard time. the url im using is: Im trying to get all product titles and urls from this page. But since there is a ::before in the HTML code i am
Efficiently using the OpenElevation API using Python
I have a large set of latitude/longitude coordinates and would like to get the elevation for each. I want to use the OpenElevation API. According to their API Docs, I can get elevation data through the URL:,10|20,20|41.161758,-8.583933. As you can see from the example URL, it is possible to get many elevations in a single request (provided you are