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Tag: python-requests

How to call an API using Python Requests library

I can’t figure out how to call this api correctly using python urllib or requests. Let me give you the code I have now: I’ve even added in the rest of the parameters to the params variable: I get this message back: An internal server error has been logged @ Sun Apr 01 00:03:02 UTC 2018 So I’m not sure

Python Web Scraping Div

I’m trying to scrape the job list from a web site, but I do not have enough experience with scraping. I found that all jobs are in a div block like this : What I want to access is the job title, job description and job link (<a href=”..”). Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand the logic for accessing them. So far

Convert html source code to json object

I am fetching html source code of many pages from one website, I need to convert it into json object and combine with other elements in json doc. . I have seen many questions on same topic but non of them were helpful. My code: above code gives me unicode type, however, when I put that output in jsonLint it

Passing cookies while logging in

I would like to integrate python Selenium and Requests modules to authenticate on a website. I am using the following code: The problem is that when I enter the browser the login authentication is still there when I try to access the url even though I passed the cookies generated from the requests session. How can I modify the code

GitHub GraphQL API Problems parsing JSON

What is wrong here? I’ve got but this snippet of code below works correctly I’ve tried out to change quotes (from ” into ‘ or with ” and so on) but it doesn’t work. Answer The problem is related with the double quotes (“). On the first snippet, when you join the ‘{“query”: “‘+query+'”}’ with the query variable, you get

Python – requests.exceptions.SSLError – dh key too small

I’m scraping some internal pages using Python and requests. I’ve turned off SSL verifications and warnings. On certain servers I receive an SSL error I can’t get past. This happens both in/out of Cygwin, in Windows and OSX. My research hinted at outdated OpenSSL on the server. I’m looking for a fix client side ideally. Edit: I was able to
