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Tag: python-requests

Scraping search results off of Sportchek with Beautiful Soup 4 to find prices

So I’m trying to web scrape search results from Sportchek with BS4, specifically this link “”. I want to get the prices off of the shoes here and put them all into a system to sort it, however, to do this I need to get the prices first and I cannot find a way to do that. In the HTML,

screen scrape text values from span based on other text values from corresponding span with beautiful soup

I have some beautiful soup code, like the example code below. I’m using it to screen scrape financial data from yahoo finance about mutual funds. In this piece of code I’m trying to scrape the “Bond Ratings” percentages, and save them in a dictionary. I’ve been trying to select element values based on the span class=”Fl(end)”, but I’m finding that

HTTPS POST to query FastAPI using python requests

I am trying to serve a Neural Network using FastAPI. The manual site http://localhost:8000/docs#/default/predict_predict_post works fine and translates into the following curl command: which also works. When I try to query the API using python requests: I only get the “422 Unprocessable Entity” Errors. Where am I going wrong here? Answer You provide a data argument to, which does
