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Tag: python-itertools

Using itertools for combinations in python

I have the following table with 4 columns: My desired Output in a df: I need it to loop through and combine all possible combinations. What is the best way to do this using python? Answer I assume that by table you mean a pandas dataframe, so the first step would be to collect the columns of interest into a

Too many combinations

Hi I’m trying to generate all possible combinations of workers to buildings. (let me explain my scenario): I’m playing MineColonies on minecraft. In this mod you have colonists whom can be assigned jobs at buildings. These workers have skills and a score assigned to them. (like Agility: 20, Strength:5 etc) and the work at the buildings are performed better when

itertools’ islice(count()) vs range()

Real quick one: I just saw a tutorial where they show we can use itertools’ islice() and count() together like so: Is there any advantage in doing this instead of using range() ? Answer Is there any advantage in doing this instead of using range() ? In this example there is no advantage and range would be the canonical solution.

itertools group by multiple keys

I am using itertools to group by a dictionary key using the below: However I would like to group by ‘device_id’ and ‘port_id’ if possible, how can I add an additional key to the grouping? Answer Just use a tuple as key:
