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Tag: python-itertools

All possible combinations of a list of tuples

I’m creating “Boggle” in python, and I have a list of tuples that represent coordinates on a game board: I’m trying to create a new list of lists of tuples that will represent all possible paths on the board. It’d look something like this: I tried using itertools.combinations and itertools.permutations but it doesn’t seem to do the job, for example

All combinations of a row in a dataframe

i have the following Dataframe (df = ) with around 40 mio rows. i try to have the following output: at first i thought to use itertools combinations, it.combinations(Colors[“Colors”],2), but the problem was, that it gives me the combinations of the whole column and don’t correlate to the column “No”. The next try was to aggregate the whole dataframe to

How does Python hash itertools.count()?

I am trying to understand the underlying mechanics behind hash(itertools.count(x, y)). I am not used to looking deeply into CPython implementations, but I noticed that in itertoolsmodule.c the static PyTypeObject count_type has 0 for tp_hash. I am assuming that this means that it does not implement hash in C. So, how does it get taken care of? Is there a

Generate all permutations including abbreviations with weightages

My string – I want to generate all permutations with the original name and abbreviations and assign weightages to each – Not concerned about this output data stucture, it can be anything. Weightage is 1 if no abbreviations and full names are used. If an abbreviation is used, the weight gets decreased by 10%. For example ARUNGINDULKAR in the 2nd
