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Tag: python-3.x

Why can’t a module be a context manager (to a ‘with’ statement)?

Suppose we have the following and the following use of it: I get an error: According to the documentation the documentation the with statement should execute as follows (I believe it fails at step 2 and therefore truncate the list): The context expression (the expression given in the with_item) is evaluated to obtain a context manager. The context manager’s

Django FileField not cooperating with Python 3’s csv module

I have this form: The intended purpose of import_csv() is to import the CSV to the application’s database, but it has been altered for brevity’s sake. An exception occurs when I attempt to iterate over school_csv, which I guess is when DictReader first attempts to read the file: I don’t believe that I was presented with the opportunity to ever

Find longest sequence of 0’s in the integer list

A = [1,2,0,0,3,4,5,-1,0,2,-1,-3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-2,-3,-4,-5,0,0,0] Return initial and ending index of longest sequence of 0’s in the list. As, longest sequence of 0’s in above list is 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 so it should return 12,19 as starting and ending index.Please help with some one line python code. I tried : which return 8 as the max length. Now, how to find start and end

Connection refused with postgresql using psycopg2

psycopg2.OperationalError: could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host “45.32.1XX.2XX” and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? Here,I’ve open my sockets. I googled that I should modify this pg_hba.conf,but in my postgresqlroot files, I didn’t find this file at all. Also I’ve succeed in connecting my another server. Thanks. Here,I’ve modified the pg_hba.conf,updated thishost all

How to parse raw HTTP request in Python 3?

I am looking for a native way to parse an http request in Python 3. This question shows a way to do it in Python 2, but uses now deprecated modules, (and Python 2) and I am looking for a way to do it in Python 3. I would mainly like to just figure out what resource is requested and
