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Tag: python-3.x

When are static variables initialized in Python?

Consider the following code When exactly does the initialization of i take place? Before the execution of the init method or after it? Answer Before. The __init__ method isn’t run until Foo is instantiated. i=1 is run whenever the class definition is encountered in the code You can see this by adding print statements: which prints: Notice however, that your

Formatting a float number without trailing zeros

When I do a simple division in Python 3, such as 123000/1000, I get 123.0, or 4/2 I get 2.0. How do I get rid of the trailing zero in Python 3’s division? EDIT: I don’t want just simple integer division. For ex, 1234/1000 should give 1.234. To be clear, this question is about formatting the output, not internal representation.

Subset-AVG – Finding a subset of List Which Matches Known Rational Number

I’ve asked this on math overflow and used comments to clarify/overstate my question. I hope it has the intended effect and doesn’t come off as jarring. I’m attempting to find what subset of numbers reach a known average. I have a list of known values, negative and possible decimals. They look something like this {-.32,-.64,-.12,.08,-.54,-.43, …} It’s around 50 numbers

Are there disadvantages of using __slots__?

I’m using Python 3.7 and Django. I was reading about __slots__ . Evidently, __slots__ can be used to optimize memory allocation for a large number of those objects by listing all the object properties ahead of time. My perhaps obvious question is why wouldn’t we want to do this for all objects? Are there disadvantages for using __slots__? Answer Fluent
