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Tag: python-3.x

AirFlowException – Python_Callable must be callable

I made a small change to an existing workflow, and it has broken airflow. Here is the code: Here is the error I’m receiving: airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: python_callable param must be callable Answer seems like you are passing trigger_report itself as the python_callable. Is this intentional? does it already have a value? (probably, otherwise you would’ve gotten a NameError: name ‘trigger_report’ is

User needs to move mouse to fire bullet

When the user hits q to fire a bullet, there is no smooth motion. They need to move the mouse around the screen in order for the bullet to travel. I’ve tried looking around StackOverflow, youtube, reorganizing the code. I want the user to hit q and the bullet should fire with a parabola shape smoothly. Answer You’ve to do

Creating custom web scraping tool to count unique words in python

I’m trying to create a function that has 2 arguments, a web URL, and a search word. The function should print out the number of times the word is seen on the page. I am currently unsure of what I’m doing wrong, as my output isn’t giving me neither an error nor an output… So if a user types: customWebScraper(‘name’,’’)

Parse Json file in python and print response in dialogflow

I have a JSON file. I want to parse it and print the response in Dialogflow. some JSON: parse x: Answer Try this Output: South Yes Update : 1 Your json is an object. It is not array. Check this So, you does not have to iterate with a for-loop. Just use as follows Update : 2 I guess
