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Tag: python-3.x

Problem to install pygame on ubuntu 20.04LTS

I am on Ubuntu 20.04LTS, and I try to install pygame (for python) for a school project. But when I try this: I received an error: Can you help me, please? Answer Try installing it with instead. The error you are getting is because you are missing the Pygame dependencies, which apt should install for you. As a general rule,

the graphs of the two projectiles does not work properly when complementary angles(eg 30 and 60) are passes to xy_plot1 and xyplot2 function

Answer Be careful! Your theta argument for the xyplot() function is in degrees, but inside your function, the math.sin() function takes the argument for the angle in units of radians. The easiest fix is to provide your theta argument in units of radians instead of degrees. You also don’t need both functions if they do the exact same thing, as

Python Database that stays with the program

So mysql works great when you log into your mysql database program on that device but what if you want to move the program to another device, the connected databases wont work… Is there anyway to have the database somehow within the python file, so that when I move it to other devices it will act the same…Thank you! Answer
