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how to get only specific values from dictionary using key in python

I have this kind of 50 dictionary means that I have over 50 kind of dictionary for different values. like symbol and other key value.

I want to get only symbol and open values in a list.

{'pricebandupper': 380.65, 'symbol': 'ADANIPORTS', 'applicableMargin': 40.0, 'bcEndDate': '26-JUN-20', 'totalSellQuantity': None, 'adhocMargin': 18.19, 'companyName': 'Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Limited', 'marketType': 'N', 'exDate': '17-JUN-20', 'bcStartDate': '19-JUN-20', 'css_status_desc': 'Listed', 'dayHigh': 349.75, 'basePrice': 346.05, 'securityVar': 18.31, 'pricebandlower': 311.45, 'sellQuantity5': None, 'sellQuantity4': None, 'sellQuantity3': None, 'cm_adj_high_dt': '10-JUN-19', 'sellQuantity2': None, 'dayLow': 340.4, 'sellQuantity1': None, 'quantityTraded': 2095819.0, 'pChange': 0.69, 'totalTradedValue': 8017.47, 'deliveryToTradedQuantity': 21.32, 'totalBuyQuantity': 2730.0, 'averagePrice': 344.84, 'indexVar': None, 'cm_ffm': 26717.33, 'purpose': 'ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING', 'buyPrice2': None, 'secDate': '10-Jun-2020 15:00:00', 'buyPrice1': 346.55, 'high52': 429.5, 'previousClose': 346.05, 'ndEndDate': None, 'low52': 203.0, 'buyPrice4': None, 'buyPrice3': None, 'recordDate': None, 'deliveryQuantity': 446896.0, 'buyPrice5': None, 'priceBand': 'No Band', 'extremeLossMargin': 3.5, 'cm_adj_low_dt': '23-MAR-20', 'varMargin': 18.31, 'sellPrice1': None, 'sellPrice2': None, 'totalTradedVolume': 2324983.0, 'sellPrice3': None, 'sellPrice4': None, 'sellPrice5': None, 'change': 2.4, 'surv_indicator': None, 'ndStartDate': None, 'buyQuantity4': None, 'isExDateFlag': False, 'buyQuantity3': None, 'buyQuantity2': None, 'buyQuantity1': 2730.0, 'series': 'EQ', 'faceValue': 2.0, 'buyQuantity5': None, 'closePrice': 0.0, 'open': 346.05, 'isinCode': 'INE742F01042', 'lastPrice': 348.45}

What I have tried:

symbol = data['symbol']
open = data['open']

Here data is the dictionary as mentioned above. please help. here is an example of several dictionaries.



(I have updated this answer, and assumed the dictionaries are stored in an array).

# So you a file with list having 50 dictionaries like this
[ {}, {}, {}, {}, {} ]

To solve this, we will just traverse through the array, and to get an index, and then obtain the value from each index of list of dictionaries:

Assuming the list goes like this
list_data = [{}, {}, {}, {}] having you dictionary only, I am just showing it 
for the sake of understanding
list_data = [{}, {}, {} ....]
new_list = [] # where you want to store the result

# traversing through each dict item in list_data
# dictionary.get(key) is very famously used for getting exact key's value
# Read more about dictionaries here: 
for i in range(len(list_data)):
    #assuming that every dictionary has the key 'symbol' and 'open'
    new_list.append([list_data[i].get('symbol'), list_data[i].get('open')])


# Output will be consisting the array of array, like this
# [ ['ADANIPORTS', 346.05], .... ] since every dictionary should show up it's 
# symbol and open value uniquely
# ..... => This is for more values
>>> [['ADANIPORTS', 346.05], ..... ]
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