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Tag: python-3.x

python: convert parenthesis to bracket

I need to check if longitude, latitude is in polygon in Python 3. The code below works, but I have a problem putting data from variable. but my data are like this (I get data from json file with json.load) How can I pass data from coordinates[0] to polygon which requires ( ) instead of [ ] and this doesn’t

Sorting and Re-formatting a text file

Need help with the following: Reading from one string until another specified string. Merging 2 strings on separate lines onto 1 line I tried strip() and this was not successful. Create 2 separate arrays from the text provided. Given: Desired output: These sentences are separated because they will be put in an array. Final output: Here is my code: Answer

search and find from csv with dict

I have a csv file containing info like this: I also have a dictionary in python containing similar info : how can I search values of dict in my csv file and print matching row in CSV to keys in dictionary in out put for example : Answer Here’s an idea: Create another, inverted dictionary which maps your values to

post output to new line of text file everytime

everytime i run my code it overwrites to first line of output.txt. How can i make it so it writes to a new line every time? Answer This is happening because you are reopening your file in “w” mode for each row, which will overwrite your file. You can open the file outside of the for loop to avoid this

How to call the CITES species+ api in python?

I am trying to access the cites species api to get information on a input species name. Reference document: I tried to use the api with the provided API Key. I get error code 401. Here is the code Answer As @jonrsharpe said in comment: You have to set APIKEY as header – don’t put it in URL. You

print python dictionary in particular style

How to print a Python dictionary in this given pattern. I was asked this question in an interview and I couldn’t solve it. Input dictionary: Desired output: Answer Here’s a quick recursive solution: Since each “level” of the dict is built from the next level down, it’s easier to visualize how this works if you start at the bottom with
