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Tag: python-3.6

Fastest way to round random numbers in python

I want to generate random numbers up to certain precision, one at a time (so I am not looking for a vectorized solution). I found a method in this QnA on stackoverflow, and it gave me these benchmarks as promised. The method is definitely is almost twice as fast. Now, here’s what is puzzling me. Why is the above method

Google kickstart 2020 round A wrong answer

link to problem : Problem There are N houses for sale. The i-th house costs Ai dollars to buy. You have a budget of B dollars to spend. What is the maximum number of houses you can buy? Input The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. Each test case

AttributeError: module ‘asyncio’ has no attribute ‘create_task’

I’m trying to asyncio.create_task() but I’m dealing with this error: Here’s an example: Out: So I tried with the following code snippet (.ensure_future()) instead, without any problem: Out: What’s wrong? [NOTE]: Python 3.6 Ubuntu 16.04 [UPDATE]: With borrowing from @user4815162342 Answer, my problem solved: Answer The create_task top-level function was added in Python 3.7, and you are using Python 3.6.

How can one list item have 2 indexes?

Suppose that I write a list: foo=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1] When I try to find out the index of 1 in foo, it comes out to be 0. But I wanted to find the index of the 1 at the last ( it’s expected index is 9 ) so I wrote this simple code that would give me all the indexes of all

Python Embeddable Zip File Doesn’t Include lib/site-packages in sys.path

I am attempting to update our Python version from 3.4 to 3.6. We are embedding Python into a C++ application, so it seemed logical to utilize the new (since Python 3.5) Windows x86 embeddable zip file. However, our application is failing to execute because “lib/site-packages” isn’t being added to the sys.path variable. I have confirmed that after installing Python 3.6

How can I use SetJob in win32print?

I want to clear or delete print jobs using Python. But how can I get JobID? win32print.SetJob(hPrinter, JobID , Level , JobInfo , Command) How could I run this code? Answer Starting from your code, I’ve managed to create a small script that deletes any print job on any (local) printer (I’ve tested it and it works). Here it is

Representation of all values in Flag enum

I would like to have a “ALL” flag in my python Flags enum for which holds true. I currently have: Because this enum might grow at any state of development I would like to have something like This does not work: Please note that this question currently only relates to python 3.6 or later. Answer There are a few ways
