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Tag: pydicom

Access DICOM files via DICOMDIR using pydicom

I am new to this file type. I want to access files in the folder S65279_1148582599_LIVER__QIU__SHIFU__M_53 by accessing the DICOMDIR located besides that folder. Inside the folder, I want to access the “IMG” files in a folder that looks like: After reading the DICOMDIR file using dcmread, I get something like this: How should I proceed to get ‘IMG00000739’? I

How to decode and visualize DICOM curve data in Python 3?

I am trying to visualize a DICOM file with Python 3 and pyDicom which should contain a black 100×100 image with some curves drawn in it. The pixel data is extracted from header (7fe0,0010) and when printed shows b’x00x00x00…’. This I can easily convert to a 100×100 numpy array. However, the curve data in (5000,3000) shows me b’x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00xc0H@x00x00x00x00x00xc0X@x00x00x00x00x00xc0H@’ which I

DICOM slicing orders in python

I have a question about slices ordering: I have about 80 pictures of hip joint but there are not arranged from feet to head or head to feet. Is there any way to arrange them in an intended order? SOP Class UID is CT Image Storage. This is the code and These are the pictures of results. Answer slices =
