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Tag: medical-imaging

Manual registration with SimpleElastix

I’m using SimpleElastix ( for the registration (Affine) of the two 2D images (see attached) . For this I’m using this code : After the execution of the latter, I obtain the following TransformParameters0.txt that contains the transformation matrix : My aim is to use this matrix-tranformation to register the floating image and get a registrered image similar to the

How to decode and visualize DICOM curve data in Python 3?

I am trying to visualize a DICOM file with Python 3 and pyDicom which should contain a black 100×100 image with some curves drawn in it. The pixel data is extracted from header (7fe0,0010) and when printed shows b’x00x00x00…’. This I can easily convert to a 100×100 numpy array. However, the curve data in (5000,3000) shows me b’x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00xc0H@x00x00x00x00x00xc0X@x00x00x00x00x00xc0H@’ which I
