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Tag: hex

Hexadecimal to ASCII string in Pandas

I have this pandas datafreme As you can see it’s in Hex and I need to convert it to ASCII character. Hence, I need it to look like this I can do this in plain python, but I can’t do it in Pandas. AnĂ½ help is very much appreciated Answer Use lambda function or lsit comprehension: Another idea:

How to slice hex data?

I have and Hex data in which there are three data present on which I can separate the information contain in the hex data: ID (2 bytes) length of the packet(2 bytes) information from the length of the packet, we come to know how long is the data in this hex data for example hex data = 0001001447364B5F48312E305F56312E312E3165000300133836333932313033343330343337310004000838303634000200154D414A3258584D524A32444A363135303900050005010006000843415244000700094341524431000800050000090018383939313035323138303935393533303834300D000A000E706F7274616C6E6D6D73 if we

How to convert byte to hex?

I am needing to send some data over serial but before I send, I need to calculate the checksum using modulo 256. I can work out the checksum and display it as a hex value (in this case the checksum is 0xb3) but it displays it as 0xb3 but I need it to be xb3 as I am sending other

How to decode and visualize DICOM curve data in Python 3?

I am trying to visualize a DICOM file with Python 3 and pyDicom which should contain a black 100×100 image with some curves drawn in it. The pixel data is extracted from header (7fe0,0010) and when printed shows b’x00x00x00…’. This I can easily convert to a 100×100 numpy array. However, the curve data in (5000,3000) shows me b’x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00xc0H@x00x00x00x00x00xc0X@x00x00x00x00x00xc0H@’ which I

Random 32 hexadecimal digits in Python

I am trying to find a great way to produce a 32 digit hex sequence that is random and gets its randomness from a Big Number like 10*78. For Python code I also found this: This produces a 64 digit hex string, BUT sometimes the result is 63 or even 61 characters and I’m not sure why? I need it
