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Tag: pyaudio

Overflow – reader is not reading fast enough PyAudio

I’m currently trying to build a voice assistant with Python when I ran into a problem. I’m using porcupine/picovoice for wakeword detection and then I call a function that recognizes everything I say as soon as I call it. This is the function: If i just call the function alone, it works perfectly fine, recognizes what I say and then

Opening wav from URL in Python

With the Python script shown below I try to play a wav file from the internet but I’m getting the error message OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: ‘’. How can I play a wav file from the internet? Answer You can also get the content of website, store it in a variable, and play it. There is no need to

Trying to detect speech using VAD(Voice Activity Detector)

I am able to read the audio but I am getting an error message while passing it to VAD(Voice Activity Detector). I think the error message is because the frames is in bytes, when feeding it to vad.is_speech(frame, sample_rate), should this frame be in bytes? Here is the code below: Here is the error message: TypeError Traceback (most recent call

How to install PyAudio 0.2.11 Fedora

I want to use the SpeechRecognition library for Python, but when I try to run a program that uses the microphone, which I intend to do, I get the error “PyAudio 0.2.11 or later is required (found version 0.2.9)” So I did some digging and found how to install that using apt-get. Unfortunately I run Fedora 26, so I have

How to install pyaudio on mac using Python 3?

I first tried: but I was told that Then I tried: Then I got: but I had installed portaudio Warning: portaudio-19.20140130 already installed So what can I do? Answer I’m assuming you are on a Mac. This is a simple issue to fix. First install Xcode. Then restart your computer. Afterwards run the commands in sequence, So to clarify, Xcode

when installing pyaudio, pip cannot find portaudio.h in /usr/local/include

I’m using mac osx 10.10 As the PyAudio Homepage said, I install the PyAudio using the installation of portaudio seems successful, I can find headers and libs in /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib but when I try to install pyaudio, it gives me an error that actually it is in /usr/local/include why can’t it find the file? some answers to similar questions
