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Tag: postman

How can I do a python API request with the body?

if I do a POST request on Postman with my local API server it works: But if I try in python with this syntax it doesn’t work:‘’, data={‘path’: ‘test’}).text it returns: “file argument ‘path’ is requiredn” Can you please explain me why it doesn’t work? Answer The issue is that using data on defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded while your

Python requests WWW-Authenticate missing in headers

I’m trying to access the WWW-Authenticate header after a GET request using Python’s requests library. When I do this in Postman it returns it but in Python it doesn’t. Python: headers: Postman: I’ve tried every headers param I can find but can’t seem to return the WWW-Authenticate response header which I need…any help would be much appreciated. Edit: Within Postman,

How can I convert Json data that coming from Postman convert into Integers in python?

Here I’ve wrote a python script using MQL5 to get total history order from MetaTrader5. here’s the code, what my requirement is I need to get from_date and to_date parameter from user. so I passed these parameter from Postman Using POST is the payload And it says, history_orders = mt.history_orders_total(datetime(fromDate), datetime(toDate)) TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)
