Plotly Express has an intuitive way to provide pre-formatted plotly plots with minimal lines of code; sort of how Seaborn does it for matplotlib. It is possible to add traces of plots on Plotly to get a scatter plot on an existing line plot. However, I couldn’t find such a functionality in Plotly Express. Is it possible to combine a
Tag: plotly-python
Plotly: How to change line style using px.line?
I have dataframe tha tlooks similar to this: I want to create line chart in plotly that will have different line style based in the column “level”. Right now I have the line chart with the deafult line style: I would like to control the linestyle for each level. until know I saw that the only way to do this
Plotly: How to change default date on x-axis and remove year from axis?
I’m working on creating a line graph via plotly. I am running into two problems. Plotly is defaulting to show every 7th value on the x axis and it is showing a year value for my first x axis value (as seen in the screenshot). Here is the code running. If either could be fixed, that would be great! Thanks
Plotly: How to rewrite a standard dash app to launch it in JupyterLab?
You can find a bunch of Dash examples in the plotly docs, and most examples end with a note on how to build figures using Dash: What About Dash? Dash is an open-source framework for building analytical applications, with no Javascript required, and it is tightly integrated with the Plotly graphing library. Learn about how to install Dash at
Plotly: How to make a figure with multiple lines and shaded area for standard deviations?
How can I use Plotly to produce a line plot with a shaded standard deviation? I am trying to achieve something similar to seaborn.tsplot. Any help is appreciated. Answer The following approach is fully flexible with regards to the number of columns in a pandas dataframe and uses the default color cycle of plotly. If the number of lines exceed
Plotly: How to add elements to hover_data using piechart?
I am playing with examples from piechart help page and trying to add an extra element iso_num to the hover_data property (iso_num is an int64 column in the gapminder dataframe) Hovering over the slice of the pie chart then gives this: where iso num value is %{customdata[1]} instead of the numeric value from the column. What am I missing?
How to change plotly figure size
I have made a scatter plot using matplotlib and Plotly. I want the height, width and the markers to be scatter as in matplotlib plot. Please see the attached plots. I used the following code in Plotly I try to tune the range but did not help. In addition, I use Autorange that did not help. Could you please help
How to save plotly express plot into a html or static image file?
However, I feel saving the figure with is pretty tricky. How to save or plotly plot into a individual html or static image file? Anyone can help? Answer Updated answer: With newer versions of plotly, static Image export in Python is a breeze. Just make sure to install kaleido using: or, for Anaconda: And then run Filetypes such
How to create subplots from each column in a pandas dataframe
I have a dataframe ‘df’ with 36 columns, these columns are plotted onto a single plotly chart and displayed in html format using the code below. I want to iterate through each column and create a subplot for each one. I have tried; I created 6 rows and columns as that would give 36 plots and tried to use the