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Tag: plotly-python

Plotly: How to rewrite a standard dash app to launch it in JupyterLab?

You can find a bunch of Dash examples in the plotly docs, and most examples end with a note on how to build figures using Dash: What About Dash? Dash is an open-source framework for building analytical applications, with no Javascript required, and it is tightly integrated with the Plotly graphing library. Learn about how to install Dash at

How to change plotly figure size

I have made a scatter plot using matplotlib and Plotly. I want the height, width and the markers to be scatter as in matplotlib plot. Please see the attached plots. I used the following code in Plotly I try to tune the range but did not help. In addition, I use Autorange that did not help. Could you please help

How to save plotly express plot into a html or static image file?

However, I feel saving the figure with is pretty tricky. How to save or plotly plot into a individual html or static image file? Anyone can help? Answer Updated answer: With newer versions of plotly, static Image export in Python is a breeze. Just make sure to install kaleido using: or, for Anaconda: And then run Filetypes such
