i have a 2-page app, on the first page (app.py), i use dcc.Store to store a value in the session cache, and then trying to load this data in the 2nd page (app2.py), and show it as html.H1. Here is my code in page one: then my callback on this page is: while “q1” is a value from my radioitem.
Tag: plotly-dash
Returning figure in Plotly Dash
I have the following code that should plot a graph. But, it’s coming up blank. The html component code for the same is: This is the first time I am trying to plot a line graph using add_trace in Dash. I have plotted other graphs using or something similar. But that is not working for this code. Please guide me.
How to download a file with plotly-dash on a multi-page app?
I already know about the following approach (link here): But the problem is, when I use a multi-page-approach like suggested from Plotly (link here (below “Structuring a Multi-Page App” – index.py)): I cannot use server.route because it will be caught by the callback shown above. What is the best way to still make files downloadable? Answer Ok, I have solved
Can’t figure out why graph is not updating
I’m setting up a plotly-dash website where I want to show data from some domains from different points in time. Therefore I have a slider with which you can decide which data from which point in time you want to see. That already works. Moreover I want that if somebody clicks on one point it shows a line between all
Display loading symbol while waiting for a result with plot.ly Dash
In my Dash-based application, a button triggers a long-running computation. Wouldn’t it be nice to display a loading animation while the result is not yet there, and make the button inactive so it is not clicked again before the computation finishes? I am using Bulma for UI design and wanted to use the button is-loading CSS class for that purpose.