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Tag: pip

Pipenv error “No Python at ‘C:Python39python.exe’ “

I installed and added Python3.9 and Pip to the PATH through the installer. I installed pipenv with pip install pipenv and pipenv –version outputs pipenv, version 2021.5.29. Although, if I try to install any package with pipenv, or just enter the pipenv shell and then run python –version, I always get No Python at ‘C:Python39python.exe’. Python sys path is C:Users{MyUserName}AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython39,

Pip install a whl on a private github repo?

How can one install a .whl (python library) from a private github repo? I have setup a personal access token and can install the library if its not a .whl by using the following command However if there is a .whl in the repo and I want to install from that using: Then I get the following error: I am

messed up pip for python 2.7.16 and upgraded it to pip v 21.1.2

specs: macOs BigSur Iterm2 with ohmyzsh preinstalled with python2.7.16 & python 3.9.5 Problem : i upgraded pip without pyenv , so now both pip and pip3 refer to python 3.9.5 i made an alias for python 3.9.5 to be default in .zshrc file i also used pip to install flask Questions : Do i donwgrade pip for python2.7.16? Or re

PIP Install file not found on Linux Servers [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I’m trying to install PIP on Ubuntu 20.04.02 but apparently the command sudo

Can’t install alpaca_trade_api

I tried using pip install alpaca_trade_api and it errored out with exit status 1. I also tried pip install alpaca-trade-api and it had the same errors. I get a ton of errors including this one: Additionally the command takes forever to run. I think this may have to do with me upgrading pip and pip3 and accidentally using sudo to

How to Install Numpy in PyPy on Windows

I want to install Numpy on PyPy on windows but I cannot. Here is my errors: Answer You don’t have any compiler on your system, so PyPy can’t compile the packages. notice the line error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with “Build Tools for Visual Studio”: Download the compiler with default settings and try again.

ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname

I was going to install pandas and epanettools on my computer using the code shown below with python 3.8.5 and I received one Error exception. Code: Actually, I could install epanettools on my old computer and I bought a new computer and I wanted to do the same thing on my new computer, but it didn’t work and the error
