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Tag: performance

Optimizing python script to produce output faster (Variable Assignment)

I am using python for optimization purposes. I made a graph using Networkx library with 1100 nodes. The python script includes the following lines. In the next step, some random numbers are generated as follows: I compute the distance between nodes in the graph using the following function. Finally, I defined the variable “shipping_cost” as: Every line of the above

(JIT) Compilation of Python code with FFI library calls

I’m using Python with a library that uses cppyy to get access to a ton of C++ functions natively in Python. However, the calls to cppyy methods take a lot of time, and looping in Python with a library call means that overhead becomes a serious issue. Here’s an example of what I mean: This code would be really fast

How to skim itertools permutations?

Initial code: Result: Now I want to remove everything starting with “)” or “#” and ends whit “(” or “#” and contenin “(“,”#”,”)” With Now the list is half in size “9k chart from 20k”. ps: Now, how do i remove (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘#’) this I need to do this operations while the “iterator iterates” so I

How to improve the performance of traversing a large dataset

I want to improve the logic for my task that is defined as following, the tasks is implemented in Python 3 with Django framwork: The source data is onboard to our system, the Job entity defines what involves to fully process a source, Job_instance defines the instance of Job. The requirement is as following: Given the source name, find the
