I am attempting to create a macOS standalone app from a PyQt5 GUI using PyInstaller. All works apart from automatically generating a PDF from a TEX file using the pdflatex module (in conjunction with Pylatex). Both the pylatex and pdflatex modules require calling the subprocess module, which is done as following: Where args=[‘pdflatex’, ‘-output-directory=/Users/Desktop’, ‘-interaction-mode=batchmode’, ‘-jobname=test’] This however does not
Tag: pdflatex
How to stitch several PDF pages into one big canvas-like PDF?
I have a 32-page PDF of my family tree. Instead of having the family tree all on one really big PDF page (which is what I want), it is formatted so a group of 8 individual US letter-sized pages are supposed to be stitched across the width; 4 rows of this completes the tree. The margins of each page are