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Tag: passwords

Failing to print value

I’m new to python, an I decided to write a simple password manager to learn. I’m having trouble retrieving one of the values out of the dictionary. The function add_password write a key with 2 values (user, and password (encrypted)) And the function get_password read the key and supposed to get the values. I can’t get it to pull the

Python password generation

I need to generate random passwords for my company’s 200k+ customers. The password complexity requirement is a common one: length > 8 contains at least one upper case character contains at least one lower case character contains at least one number contains at least one symbols (e.g. @#$%) Here is the python 3.8 code I used to generate a random

How to disable list elements for one cycle?

I wrote a password generation script, it ensures that 2 characters of the same type cannot appear behind each other: “12” or “ab” are not possible. It always have to be different types, like “1a” or “a%” or “aB”. I currently use this to achieve it: While it does work its rather slow, because if the function returns False a

Masking user input in python with asterisks [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Getting a hidden password input (6 answers) Closed 7 months ago. I am trying to mask what the user types into IDLE with asterisks so people around them can’t see what they’re typing/have typed in. I’m using basic raw input to collect what they type. Ideal IDLE prompt after user types password: Answer Depending

Mark data as sensitive in python

I need to store a user’s password for a short period of time in memory. How can I do so yet not have such information accidentally disclosed in coredumps or tracebacks? Is there a way to mark a value as “sensitive”, so it’s not saved anywhere by a debugger? Answer Edit I have made a solution that uses ctypes (which

Securely Erasing Password in Memory (Python)

How do you store a password entered by the user in memory and erase it securely after it is no longer need? To elaborate, currently we have the following code: After calling the login method, what do we need to do to fill the area of memory that contains password with garbled characters so that someone cannot recover the password
