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Tag: parsing

How can I parse an object in a python c-extention?

I have in Python an object such as: And I want to read it in c in the How can I access the members inside a pyObject for custom python data structures? How can I do the opposite thing, assign values to an object that will later be called inside python? edit: As suggested by kpie, using the function PyObject_GetAttrString

Extract HTML into JSON with pyhton BeautifulSoup

The problem I’m trying to parse some blocks of HTML to store the relevant data in a JSON object but I’m struggling with the way BeautifulSoup’s treatment of child tags clashes with my specific requirements. Eample input: Desired output: My attempt Here’s my best attempt so far: Which produces the following output: You can see I have three issues: The

competing regular expressions (race condition)

I’m trying to use python PLY (lex/yacc) to parse a language called ‘GRBL’. GRBL looks something like this: The ‘G’ Codes tell a machine to ‘go’ (or move) and the coordinates say where. LEX requires us to specify a unique regular expression for every possible ‘token’. So in this case I need a regex that will clearly define ‘G00’ and

Parse boolean expression in python

Currently, I have a Boolean expression which supports & (logical AND), | (logical OR), (, ) (parentheses) operators along with status codes like s, f, d, n, t and job names. The status codes represent the status of a job. (Eg: s = success, f = failure, etc…) and the job name is enclosed within parentheses with an optional argument

Iterate Previous Lines after find a pattern

I am searching for a pattern and then if I find that pattern(which can be multiples in a single file) then i want to iterate backwords and capture another pattern and pick the 1st instance. For Example, if content of the file is as below: Then the Expected Output: ExecuteQuery Search Spec = “This is the Search Spec 1” I

Unable to find element BeautifulSoup

I am trying to parse a specific href link from the following website: Element i seek to parse: However, using BeautifulSoup I am unable to obtain the desired element, perhaps due to cookies acceptance. I am still new at BS4, and hope someone can help me on the right course. Thank you in advance! Answer To get correct tags,
