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Tag: regexp-replace

Add a space after a word if it’s at the beginning of a string or if it’s after one or more spaces, and at the same time it must be at end or before n

How to obtain this outputs from those inputs? Note that for examples 4, 5, 6 and 7 the regex should not make any changes, since after the word there is already a space placed, or because in the case of “uno”, the word “un” is not at the end of the sentence, or in the case of “treinta yun” the

How to Ignore html comment tag in regex through python

I am replacing special character with some asci code and ignoring html tags with the help of below regex text_list = re.findall(r’>([Ss]*?)<‘, html) So it is ignoring all html tags as we want it but is not ignoring html comment closing tag “–>”. Any help appreciated. What should I changed in regex. Attached screenshot for your reference. Answer Please try
