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Tag: pandas

Jupyter python3 notebook cannot recognize pandas

I am using the Jupyter notebook with Python 3 selected. On the first line of a cell I am entering: The error I get from the notebook is, ImportError: No module named ‘pandas’. How can I install pandas to the jupyter notebook? The computer I launched the Jupyter notebook from definitely has pandas. I tried doing: And it says it

Dropping Multiple Columns from a dataframe

I know how to drop columns from a data frame using Python. But for my problem the data set is vast, the columns I want to drop are grouped together or are basically singularly spread out across the column heading axis. Is there a shorter way to slice or drop all the columns with fewer lines of code rather than

pandas concat generates nan values

I am curious why a simple concatenation of two dataframes in pandas: of the same shape and both without NaN values can result in a lot of NaN values if joined. How can I fix this problem and prevent NaN values being introduced? Trying to reproduce it like failed e.g. worked just fine as no NaN values were introduced. Answer

quickest way to swap index with values

consider the pd.Series s What is the quickest way to swap index and values and get the following Answer One posible solution is swap keys and values by: Another the fastest: Timings: If length of Series is 1M:

Keeping ‘key’ column when using groupby with transform in pandas

Finding a normalized dataframe removes the column being used to group by, so that it can’t be used in subsequent groupby operations. for example (edit: updated): Now, with most operations on groups the ‘missing’ column becomes a new index (which can then be adjusted using reset_index, or set as_index=False), but when using transform it just disappears, leaving the original index
