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Tag: pandas

Change in pandas Series.tz_convert behaviour in v1.X (or thereabouts)?

I am seeing a difference in the behaviour of Series.tz_convert between pandas 0.20.1 and 1.2.4, but I don’t understand the cause and cannot find where this change is documented, if it is intentional. Here is some test code: Under pandas 0.20.1 it gives this output: But under 1.2.4 we get this: Looks like under 1.2.4 the Series.tz_convert routine just doesn’t

Python DataFrame: Map two dataframes based on day of month?

I have two dataframes. month_data dataframe has days from start of the month to the end. student_df with each student’s only present data. I’m trying to map both dataframes so that the remaining days left for each student should be marked as absent month_data month_data = pd.DataFrame({‘day_of_month’:pd.date_range(’01/01/2021′,’31/01/2021′)}) student_df final_df Answer You can create a new dataframe containing all dates and

import 2 dataframes from a function in a different python file

I have a python file which I have called, this file has the function pre_Processing which loads in a text file and creates 3 data frames; userListing_DF,PrivAcc,allAccountsDF, this function then returns the 3 DFs. What I want to do is create another script and import the 3 DFs from the file, I have created a script called call_DFs

Pandas: using column of date to calculate number of days

I am using an AirBnb dataset. I have a column, ‘host_since’. The column contains date objects in the format of ‘DD/MM/YYYY’: for example, 24/09/2008. The columns’ data shows the date that an individual became a host. I want to create a new column in my dataframe that contains the the number of days since the host first joined. I am

How to match multiple columns from two dataframes that have different sizes?

One of the solutions that is similar is found in here where the asker only have a single dataframe and their requirements was to match a fixed string value: result = df.loc[(df[‘Col1′] ==’Team2’) & (df[‘Col2′]==’Medium’), ‘Col3’].values[0] However, the problem I encountered with the .loc method is that it requires the 2 dataframes to have the same size because it will
