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Tag: pandas

Matching Two Pandas DataFrames based on values in columns

I’m trying to match job candidates to mentors based on different several variables that would hopefully create a good match. There are two Pandas DataFrames (one for candidates and one for mentors) that I’m trying to connect based on experience, location, desired job, etc. For example I have a mentor DataFrame that might look something like the below: Along with

Python Read Website Table Data into Dataframe

I came to know this source to import data. I tried but not successful in importing the data my code: Presently I see no data but a string text. Table on the data: Answer JS is creating the table and rendering of javascript in a request does not work. a workaround can be:

Add new column with specific increasing of a quarter using python

I have a dataframe, df, that has a quarters column where I would like to add an additional increased quarters column adjacent to it (increased by 2) Data Desired Doing However this is not adding 2 consistently to the entire column I am still troubleshooting, any suggestion is appreciated Answer Reformat the strings in date in such a way that

Grouping and concatening values in Pandas dataframes

I found an answer to my question in another request on this site, however the answer provided doesn’t work for me so I’m asking in a different request. I will use the same data and show results I’m getting. So basically, I have a dataframe that one column has repeated values that I want to group in a single row,

Pandas conditional counting by date

I want to count all orders done by each customer at each order date, to find out how many orders were done at the time of each order. Input: Expected output: The following code works but is extremely slow. Taking upwards of 10 hours for 100k+ rows. There is certainly a better way. Answer Try sort_values to get dates in

Pandas – Merge rows of dataframe that have a shared value

I have a dataframe with a list of items in the first row and then all the items that were bought with that item in subsequent columns: I want to merge all the items bought with each item into a single row as below: So, all the items bought with Item 1 form the columns next to it. As you
