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Tag: pandas

Filter expected value from list in df column

I have a data frame with the following column: I want to return a column with single value based on a conditional statement. I wrote the following function: When running the function on the column df.withColumn(“col”, filter_func(“raw_col”)) I have the following error col should be Column What’s wrong here? What should I do? Answer You can use array_contains function: But

Converting string in a Pandas data frame to float

I have the following data frame: In order to calculate with the second column named “Marktwert”, I have to convert the string as a float, the sting has German format, that means the decimal point is a comma and the thousands separator is a dot. The number 217.803,37 has the datatype object. If I try to convert using the code

Rename column names through the loop (Python)

I have a table: I have the table like this: asd bsd tsd pzd … 20 15 10 5 … 20 15 10 5 … 20 15 10 5 … 20 15 10 5 … I want to rename all my column names with the pattern like this ‘param’+ (index_column +1) through the loop Desired output: param1 param2 param3 param4

What is the best practice to convert HTTP timestamps to standard format during dataframing using pandas in python?

I’m trying to convert HTTP timestamps into standard timestamp for complete data framing and getting time-series plots. I’m looking for an efficient way to do this for the large dataset. My actual data frame is as follows: I have tried couple of the following methods and get errors: This returns me NaT which is strange! I updated the format and

AttributeError: ‘dict’ object has no attribute ‘data’

An error occurred while executing the KNN algorithm. I don’t know where the error occurred. Can anyone help me? Please. There is a code below. I don’t know why, but the code was cut. Answer One line defines: That’s a dict comprehension statement In the next loop you have It’s that use of .data that’s giving problem. With a dict

No module named pandas in conda command prompt

I’m trying to run a script made on spyder that runs with no problem. But when I try to run the same script it says Pandas is not installed. But I checked on my conda env e seems to be already installed. Why this happens? Answer Problem You are using pip python’s default package manager to install a package in
