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Tag: pandas

Pandas on Apple Silicon M1 chip within the Ubuntu container

I have a trouble understanding the issue here: We have Docker image ubuntu:20.04 MacBook Pro on M1 chip Old pandas version wheel (legacy system) Within our Docker image, we use Poetry to manage dependencies: But when we try to build this image on the M1 machine, we face the error ERROR: pandas-0.24.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.,

saving appended list/dictionary to pandas dataframe

I am working on a code like below, which slices the address column. For this I have created a dictionary and created an empty list final to append all the pre processing.see code After preprocessing I am appending the empty list. Now, I want to update the df_dict with the final list. and convert the df_dict to pandas dataframe. sample

Find string in a dataframe from a list in another dataframe

I have 2 pandas dataframes in python which are set up as folows: Where Paragraph is a string of multiple words. Name is just a string identifying the Words. And Words is a list of strings. So what I want to do is have an expression that will identify which Paragraphs in Dataframe 1 contain Words from Dataframe 2. And

Grouped pandas dataframe from nested list

I have a nested list in this format mydata=[[01/01/20,[‘point1′,’point2’,’point3,…]],[02/01/20,[‘point1′,’point2′,’point3’]],…] I want to create a pandas dataframe grouped by date with every point as a different row. I have tried manually adding each row through a for loop, but other than taking more than an hour, the dataframe ended up being empty. Not sure how to go about this. Can I

How to recalculate data from table in flask/python?

I want to show df in my app, im using flask to do it. But how can i make the table editable and calculated sum value by using button? I couldn’t found good and easy way to edit that html table, and somehow send it to backend to recalculate. Most tips i found abuot editables tables involve data from sql
