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Tag: pandas

Cumulative of last 12 months from latest communication date?

I’m looking at counting the number of interactions grouped by ID in the last 12 months for each unique ID. The count starts from the latest date to the last one grouped by ID. Output is something like the below. How can I achieve this in Pandas? Any function that would count the months based on the dates from the

Changing plot title through loop

I am new to python and need your help. I have several dataframes. Each dataframe is for one day. So I am using for loop to plot for all dataframe. For each plot I want to add the date in my title. Can anyone help me. I have created a variable ‘date_created and assigned the dates which I want. I

Adding arrows to mpf finance plots

I am trying to add an arrow on a given date and price to mpf plot. To do this i have the following code: But it is producing the following error: Could you please advise how can i resolve this. Answer If your ultimate goal is to add an arrow to the title of the question, you can add it

Timespan for Elevated Access to Historical Twitter Data

I have a developer account as an academic and my profile page on twitter has Elevated on top of it, but when I use Tweepy to access the tweets, it only scrapes tweets from 7 days ago. How can I extend my access up to 2006? This is my code: Answer The Search All endpoint is available in Twitter API

index string has no method of isin()

I have a dataframe with index is string name like ‘apple’ etc. Now I have a list name_list=[‘apple’,’orange’,’tomato’] I’d like to filter dataframe rows by selecting rows with index is in the above list then I got an error of Answer Use df.index.isin, not df.index.str.isin:
